Saturday, May 3, 2008

Getting better

I am starting to feel better. I have been over extended for a sick person. I would probably feel much better than I do now if I had taken it easier. I tried. I am just not very good at it. Staying home and in bed all day Saturday and Sunday were difficult. I should be 100% soon.

I did get to do a bunch of crochet last weekend and this week when I was being good about taking it easy. I started working on the baby blanket.

My coworker is making it too, so I helped her figure out how to do it. She is learning to read patterns. She is very quick with her hook and will probably be done with the white part of it when I see her Monday. She puts me to shame - in the speed department. Again, I am not very good at sitting still.

I started working on the monkey and made it half way through the body and realized that something was terribly wrong. I ripped it all out and sent an email to the designer. I just didn't understand what the problem was. Maybe it was my brain under the influence of the flu or maybe it was just a strange way to word it. I got the answer I needed and have restarted. I haven't gotten back to the point where I ripped it out but I am making progress and that is all that matters.

Here is the picture of the hotpad I made last week and didn't post. I love the colors of this yarn. It is beautiful. It doesn't show off the technique used for the pad but it was a great learning experience.

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